Since 2002, I have worked with Beckett Advisors & Catch Your Limit Consulting. Feel free to follow the links to learn more about these great people.
My role with both organizations is very similar. I bring my skill sets as a strategist to bear to help our clients discern their options and make decisions to which they and their teams will commit to being held accountable.
During this period our clients have experienced significant growth. Most notable one client credited us with helping them increase their bottom line by $225 million in one year. Not all of our success stories have been this extreme, but all of our clients have acknowledged improvement in one form or another as a result of working with our teams.
From 1995 until 2002 I worked with Sanders Consulting Group helping advertising agencies around the world improve their new business system. My work centered around helping senior management clarify the agency’s brand and installing Sanders’ proprietary new business system and training the staff how to sell their services more effectively.
In one year alone, our clients credited our work with enabling them to close more than $200 million in new business.
Advertising that Drove Traffic and Sales
From 1992 to 1995, I produced, wrote and directed television and radio spots for two advertising agencies: Sparks Advertising and Marketing and Marketing Resource Group. It was during this period when the Internet first became available to the commercial world and I co-wrote and taught the Webmaster Certification program for J Sargeant Reynolds Community College.
During this period the spots we created were credited with the highest one day sales in one client’s history and for taking one radio station from 8th to 1st place in their market.
Theatre That Enriched People’s Lives
From 1972 until 1992, I made my living in the theatre. During the course of those 20 years, I produced, directed, and/or acted in over 100 productions. My partners and I started Richmond Theatre Company in 1982 and built it from scratch into the most prolific theatre company in the country in 1988; when we toured 1,487 performances between Philadelphia, PA and Charleston, SC.
Whatever It Took to Take Care of My Family
Throughout most of my life, I have had more than one job. I began carrying brick for my father when I was ten years old and that same year I collected bottles for their 2 cents deposit and raised the dollar with which I bought my first paper route. Throughout high school and college I continued to work construction while delivering papers, selling candy from my locker, scooping ice cream, flipping burgers, and selling weight loss products door to door among other things. The first 12 years of my theatre career, I supplemented my income working construction, waiting tables, substitute teaching, writing advertising copy, selling sponsorships, custom imprinted T-shirts and more.
Lessons Learned
All of this has taught me the validity of my father’s wisdom.
- We don’t go home until the job is finished.
- Hustle, do something. We can fix wrong. You can’t fix nothing.
- There is nothing you and I can’t handle one bite at a time. (Two important pieces of wisdom here. (1) Break projects into manageable pieces and (2) attack the project with a team you trust.
- Do work you enjoy.
a. If you’re not enjoying your work, find a way to enjoy it until you can find new work.
b. Because either way, (see #1) we’re not going home until the job is done and if we’re going to be here anyway, you might as well find a way to enjoy yourself.
Reach Out If You Want to Learn More
I’ve very proud of the work I’ve done throughout my career. I’m very proud of the people who have worked with me and the clients who have let my colleagues and me into their lives. If you’d like to speak with people I’ve worked with or clients we’ve worked for, just ask and I’ll be happy to put you in touch with them. Feel free to call 804.243.1001 or click here to contact me.