I watched a great TED video this morning. What made today’s experience different was my discovery of About.Me.
I clicked on the link and came face to face with the speaker’s About Me page. There at the top of the page I saw “Want your own page? Get yours today!
And my heart stopped. Well not literally, but you get the idea. I was shocked by the fear I felt. Whoa, Nelly! I don’t have time for this. Don’t go there big fella.
I was shocked by how viscerally I experienced the fear.
Fear that I was unprepared to sum myself up. Has the irony dawned on you that you’re reading this on a blog called “Gayle Turner Speaks”? It would seem I have no difficulty with self promotion.
As I write this I am still feeling the unsettling physical tingling of anxiety. I’ve spent my career in businesses which require self promotion. Everything I’ve ever done has required a degree of sales. And we all know the first thing salespeople sell is themselves.
So, maybe you can imagine the shock of a salesman being hesitant to define himself.
Now, I imagine some of you are thinking I should seek professional help. (I hope some of you smiled at that.)
But I already have. I’m working with a consultant to help me clarify my personal brand. The value proposition I offer my clients.
Earlier in my career I helped ad agencies clarify their brands. People used to ask me, “Isn’t that like taking coal to Newcastle?” I used to say, even when you’re looking in a mirror you’re seeing a reverse image. We all benefit from an objective third party.
The issue is finding a third party you trust.
While reading this did you asked yourself, “What’s my brand?” What’s my value proposition?” “Why do people do business with me?”
If so, I hope you too, seek professional help. (I’m smiling at that.)
The shock is wearing off.
Time for me to overcome my fear and explore About.Me.
Check it out for yourself.
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